Bloody Fingers- Love Them To Death...and Then Keep on Loving
Never Did I Wanna Be Here Again...

Alright 3 strips in one week. That almost makes me a competent Webcomic artist. Almost...
I think this strip came out pretty good other than the way Pick looks in the first pannel. Can you believe Kat calling him an asshole about the voodoo doll thing. I mean SHE'S the one with the voodoo doll and he's the asshole...hmff...women...Am I right? Huh? Yeah...
Alright the voting for this month is almost over and unless there's a miricle we're not gonna even come close to the 60 votes we got last month...which isn't really good. We're averaging less than 2 votes a day. I expect better next least up untill the hiatus that is coming up. Once again you can find any upcoming news about that in the blog and the FORUM
Speaking of the FORUM Matt of A World Of Pain is looking for an artist to illustrate the imagery in his poems. If you're interested leave a post here.

*updated* I think this guy actually already made a book...Not sure...Hanv't really spoken to him since this page was new.



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